
Isolation of monocytes with TACS® -  a new publication in Cytometry Part A

October 2018

Together with Cell.Copedia GmbH and IBA GmbH the Institute of Clinical Immunology of the University of Leipzig (IKI) has published an article in Cytometry part A.  The publication compares the TACS® method with MACS® based on the isolation of monocytes. To experience more, please use the link:

Cell.copedia is awarded first place for product design

October 24, 2016

At this year’s Saxon State Prize for Design Cell.Copedia and its partner (Berlin) are awarded first place for their product design of CELLina®.
Due to the classic and complex design of CELLina® we could assert ourselves against 70 participants within this category.
This award, which is endowed with 50.000 Euro in total, was influenced by the motto “Sustainability through Design – Responsibility for the FUTURE” and is presented by the Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport.

Cellina® is nominated for the saxon state price for design 2016

September 12, 2016

In the course of the Saxon State Prize for Design 2016 our new developed device CELLina® received a nomination in the category product design. Out of 71 submissions seven other companies are nominated and are looking forward to be announced and awarded at October 24th in Dresden.

FABian® Presentation at the International Congress of Immunology

August 21 – August 26, 2016

We will exhibit FABian® at the International Congress of Immunology (ICI) in Melbourne. With more than 3.000 attendees, over 100 invited speakers and 180 chairs from all over the world, ICI 2016 is the largest meeting of its kind.
For more information about the congress click here.

Martin Dulig, Saxony’s Minister of Economic Affairs is Visiting Cell.Copedia

June 29, 2016

Martin Dulig visited us in the course of his Saxon Innovation Tour 2016. Cell.Copedia was appreciated as one of the companies who came up with promising innovations, representing a strong partner for the Saxon economy. The minister and his colleagues visited our research and production facilities and caught up on our latest development, the automatic cell selection device FABian®.

A summary of the innovation tour (in German) and pictures of the visit are provided by the ministry:

FABian® - Now Available! 30% Discount Until End of August!

June 20, 2016

We proudly announce the sales launch of FABian®. If you order your device until end of August you will benefit from a 30% discount! Visit the IBA product shop for more information.

You can buy selection kits for PBMC or CD3+-Cells from whole blood or buffy coat. Experience the unique purity and high yields of your target cells!

Interview with Cell.Copedia CSO - Dr. wilhelm Gerdes

June 2016

The Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Leipzig published an article about Cell.Copedia and its latest product FABian® in its business magazine. As highlighted in the article, the development of the automatic cell selection device FABian® focused on the combination of design, intuitive operation and functionality which could be realized due to the cooperation with the designer Jens Kaschlik ( Here you can read the full article (in German), page 10.